Hide all posts on the homepage of blog

want to hide the posts completely and only display them when a reader presses on a label/category.

Template modifications require a Full Template Download first.
From the Navbar > Design > Edit Html.
Click the Download Full Template link and you will have a backup on your computer.

- Then, scroll down past the stylesheet and find:

- As the last thing before insert a conditional.

All in 1 SEO Pack for Blogspot

All in One SEO Pack is plugin famous for WordPress platform. Today, I will guide you to use All in One SEO Pack for Blogspot purpose is to put meta tag for each article (title, description, keywords).
1. Go To Blogger ---> Backup your templates. Go to Layout ---> Edit HTML. Search for this:

<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

2. Insert the following code just after search:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == &quot;http://links to articles&quot;'>
<meta content='enter description' name='description'/>
<meta content='enter keyword' name='keywords'/>

How to Add Random Rotating Images to the Header of Your Blogger Blog

In this short tutorial I am going to show you how to add random rotating images to your Blogger blog’s header background. After adding this neat feature to your blogger blog, the header image of your blog will rotate/change with each page refresh. Before implementing this tweak, you need to create (or find) header images that suit the topic of your blog. In this tutorial I am going to show how to rotate 5 header images.
How to add random rotating images to the header of your Blogger blog
1. Log in to Blogger, then go to Dashboard --> Design --> Edit HTML.
2. Find (Ctrl + F) the tag.
3. Copy the following code and paste it immediately below the tag.